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August 2026 - NCISS will be Celebrating 50 Years! Help NCISS with this event by sponsoring!
Please consider sponsoring an NCISS Meeting or Conference.Your Name and Business will be displayed at our next Event.Thank You!
NCISS pays to keep up with Legislation and regulations, which could affect your profession.A Lobbyist in Washington, D.C. is paid every month to assist NCISS with monitoring current bills being introduced.To help NCISS in our Legislative efforts - Please consider being a sponsor.All sponsorship inquiries are welcomed.
Purpose:To honor the legendary late Jim Zimmer, a titan of legislative advocacy for the investigative and security professions, and to help preserve his legacy. Jim was a staunch supporter of NCISS and made extra effort to not only ensure the PI and security professions had strong representation when it comes to legislation, but to also make advocacy approachable to the less experienced. This scholarship will ensure finances are not a barrier to participating in legislative advocacy to those who wish to become involved in the support of NCISS.
Fund will be used to support those in our organization affected by natural disasters.
US$200.00 received toward our goal of US$10,000.00
The purpose of the NCISS Political Action Committee is to influence the nomination and election of candidates to legislative office. Participation in the NCISS PAC is open to any member of NCISS in good standing who voluntarily wishes to make a commitment to the NCISS PAC. Why Contribute? NCISS membership dues cannot be used for political purposes; therefore, the NCISS PAC’s political efforts are funded separately. NCISS PAC is a multi-partisan organization and is not affiliated with any political party. We operate in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal Law. PAC contribution dollars go directly to support candidates and officeholders that advocate for open government, state licensure, and .Contributions to NCISS PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. For more information contact NCISS PAC Treasurer Brad Duffy.