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Legislative Watch and Important News

The most important function of NCISS is to monitor and guide federal legislation. NCISS plays an important role in acting as a conduit for state legislative information. Through joint efforts and other national and state associations of related industries, our advocates keep a watch on bills which might affect our professions. Often, a law passed in a trend setting state will be adopted almost verbatim by other states wishing to follow. If an unfavorable law is enacted in one state, NCISS alerts other state associations who can take action to keep the problem from spreading. A number of important position papers have already been authored on key issues such as privacy, police moonlighting, reciprocity and use of private contractors over hiring more government employees. NCISS officers are frequently called upon to testify at congressional hearings giving our industry's viewpoint.  


Lobbyit NCISS Legislative Updates

Lobbyit is the NCISS legislative advocate in Washington DC; their office is a short walk from the US Capitol and congressional and other government administrative offices.

Legislative Alerts Legislative Alerts

NCISS ensures each member and state association is fully informed by sending pertinent legislative alerts and calls to action through our member listserv.


Your Advocate Your Advocate
Three times per year NCISS distributes “Your Advocate” digital magazine with easy references for the activities that NCISS and state associations are watching.  Bi-monthly each member is emailed the “e-Advocate” with information about each region and association activities, special member accomplishments and up-to-date news of our profession.

Legislative Advisory Board (LAB) Legislative Advisory Board

Powered by the needs of our members and state associations, the Legislative Advocacy Board is teamwork of the Legislative Committee working with supporting state associations to monitor legislative and regulatory activity. Is your state association represented?



Membership in NCISS gives each member a national resource for the exchange of referral work and information helpful to assignments. Because NCISS is comprise of members that are leaders and experts in their field, ideas and resources can be shared amongst peers and face-to face events allow our professionals to enhance their connections nationwide.


Membership Directory (Quarterly Interactive Digital PDF) Quarterly Membership Directory
The greatest value, and foundation of NCISS, is You and Your membership.  As an NCISS member, you will have the benefit of seeking assistance directly with another member via the directory or listserv requests for assistance. The quarterly digital membership directory includes individual and association members, with contact information and specialties. The listserv is also utilized by members for requests of assistance needed. The NCISS listserv is one of the nation’s largest and most active association listserv. The NCISS Listserv gives each member a national resource for the exchange of referral work and information helpful to assignments. The Listserv also allows NCISS to communicate to members and keep them abreast of legislation affecting them.


Business & Training Bulletins & Events  

NCISS is comprised of members that are leaders and experts in their fields.  Special bulletins are written by members of NCISS who are experienced and experts in their field, these bulletins accommodate the sharing of ideas and standards. In addition, these members also serve as ambassadors of NCISS and our professions when they speak and give training nationally to our member association conferences and events.


Annual Meeting and Mid-Term Meetings

Both are important and foster learning and professionalism as well as networking with peers from around the country.  Other than the NCISS listserv, meetings are your best source of networking. 

Attending events and connecting with other professional members face to face will enhance your connection of professionals and experts in your field.


Partnership Discounts

Your NCISS membership provides multiple discounts selected with the unique needs of the investigation and security services industry in mind. Are you taking advantage of them?  Many of your colleagues who do are finding that the discounts more than cover the cost of their annual membership. To discover and use the quality discounts of your NCISS membership, members must login